Find Out About Minority Grant Opportunities

There are minority grants available to individuals who qualify for these funding opportunities. Whether these potential applicants hope to support their own business endeavors or they are looking to finance their college educations, there are specific grant opportunities available for minorities. However, fund seekers must know where to search for these funding sources in order to obtain the money they need.

In some instances, there may be federal grants for minorities that individuals can obtain. Alternatively, individuals may be able to seek private funding. Furthermore, there are usually opportunities available to candidates depending on their race, gender, income or ethnicity. In any case, grants are a popular way for individuals to finance their projects or initiatives because, unlike loans, recipients do not need to pay back the funds they receive. Once candidates know where to search for these minority business grants and what types of programs they may qualify for, they are one step closer to accomplishing their goals.

Where can I find legitimate minority grants?

Depending on the types of minority small business grants or other grants applicants are seeking, they may need to consult different sources to find funding opportunities that work best for them. Often, the most reliable grant opportunities will be available on the U.S. government website. When individuals find funding sources through this site, they can guarantee that they are legitimate and credible. However, due to the competitiveness and prestige that can be associated with federal grants for minorities or people in general, these prizes may be more competitive.

In some instances, petitioners may also be able to find minority grant programs through independent sources that are privately operated. Depending on the types of funding applicants need, they may be able to find financial support through the following entities:

  • Private colleges and universities: Minority students who need financial assistance to attend college may be able to find minority scholarship opportunities through higher education institutions. Both private and public schools usually have these funds available.
  • Independent organizations or companies: Minority-focused organizations and nonprofits may offer funding opportunities to community members who meet their enrollment requirements.
  • Churches or community centers: Depending on what types of funds individuals need, religious or community centers may also offer funding opportunities.

Learn About Minority Small Business Grants

There are various minority small business grants that individuals can apply for. Generally, these funds are available to men and women who belong to minority communities and would like to start their own businesses. Instead of applying for loans with costly interest fees, qualified candidates can obtain funding for their entrepreneurial projects through different sources. No matter where business owners live or what types of companies they want to operate, there are minority business grants that may be available to them.

Business owners who are interested in government-sponsored minority small business grants may be able to obtain funding though the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). This section of the state government operates the Business Development Program, a funding opportunity for company owners who identify as minorities. The goal for this program is to help develop small businesses that minorities own and oversee to help them succeed. To accomplish this, the SBA connects companies with management guidance, development workshops and general guidance resources. Furthermore, these minority grants for business start ups apply to candidates who:

  • Identify as African American, Hispanic or Native American.
  • Are adults with illnesses, such as cerebral palsy.
  • Qualify as low-income.
  • Self-identify as LGBTQ.
  • Are women.

There are also some minority owned business grants from additional sources that individuals can pursue. For example, the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) usually offers grant opportunities to qualified petitioners. Likewise, the MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneurs Series (MUES) awards several thousand dollars’ worth of funding to innovative minority visionaries.

Learn About Grants for Women

There are various grants for minority women and women in general that can help finance their business plans. In some instances, these funds may be in place to help women succeed in specific industries that are still largely dominated by men. On the other hand, some of these grants opportunities are more general. Examples include the following:

  • FedEx Small Business Grant Contest: This program awards funds to various female entrepreneurs and business owners. Furthermore, the public decides who wins these prizes, which allows women to market their new companies or products once they apply for this award.
  • The Amber Grant for Women: These business grants for minority women are awarded to female entrepreneurs on a monthly basis. Over time, recipients can earn thousands of dollars in funds through this program.
  • The Eileen Fisher Women-Owned Business Grant Program: These federal grants for small businesses are available to more prosperous businesses that are at least 51 percent owned by women.
  • The Halstead Grant: This grant is specifically available to women who make, market and sell their own jewelry.

Learn About Minority Scholarship Opportunities

In most cases, a minority scholarship to attend a college or university is available to students who belong to ethnic or racial minorities. Usually, these students are African American, Native American, Hispanic or Pacific Islander. In some cases, however, different types of minorities may be eligible to receive minority grants for college. However, the organizations that sponsor these opportunities are responsible for deciding who qualifies. A few scholarship programs for minority applicants include the following:

  • Cherokee Nation Scholarship Program: College applicants who are citizens in the Cherokee Nations can obtain scholarships to attend U.S. colleges or universities.
  • NBCUniversal/LNESC Scholarship Program: These college scholarships for minorities are specifically available to Latino students who are enrolled in college and who want to join the entertainment industry upon graduation.
  • La Unidad Latina Foundation (LULF) Scholarship: Latina students who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees and who meet the GPA requirements may be eligible for this scholarship. This program also offers minority graduate school scholarships to applicants.

Furthermore, there are available grants for women who are seeking bachelor or graduate degrees. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers funding to female students who are pursuing higher education. Often, these grants opportunities are localized and different branches of the AAUW offer these scholarships to women who live in specific states.