How much do you know about PeachCare for Kids? To evacuate all of your doubts, here are some of the most popular questions on PeachCare for Kids:
What is PeachCare for Kids?
It is an affordable medical health insurance scheme provided by the federal government of USA for low income families.
Who can get PeachCare?
Children currently uninsured and who are not covered by any health insurance program like state Medicaid are eligible to enrol in Peachcare Medical insurance.
What is the age limit to enroll into this program?
The kids who are below 19 years of age are eligible to get the PeachCare Medical insurance.
Does PeachCare for kids apply throughout the country?
This insurance scheme can be availed only by the children who are residing in Georgia and not anywhere outside the state. But CHIP is available nationwide.
What is the average income to get qualified for this insurance scheme?
To check if a family qualifies for the PeachCare for kids scheme, there is an estimate provided for a family of three which is approximately $50,448 and $60,768 for a family of four. The gross percentage equivalent of the family’s annual income should be less than or equal to 247% of the federal level of poverty.
What is covered under the PeachCare for Kids benefit program?
The PeachCare for kids scheme pays for the regular health check-ups (Preventative care), immunizations, Primary health care, Prescription medications, Dental assistance, Vision care, Specialist consultation, Emergency room facilities, Mental health assistance etc.
What is the average time duration to get enrolled in the PeachCare for Kids insurance program?
The entire process of enrolling your child to the Peachcare health insurance could take up to 45 days.
Should I renew this PeachCare health insurance scheme?
Yes, there is a requirement to renew the policy once in a year for continued health care services.
How does the state coordinate the Peachcare Health program?
The State of Georgia outsources the plan to a third-party insurance provider via the Georgia Families Care Management Organization (CMO). They are directly in charge of the scheme and are responsible for assisting the families and coordinate the plan with the children who are eligible for PeachCare.
Are my teenage kids qualified for the PeachCare insurance scheme?
Yes, even the teenage kids are eligible to get the benefits under the program until they turn 19 years of age.
Is the premium amount too high for me to afford?
No, the premium amount for the Peachcare medical insurance policy is well within the affordable limits for an average family enrolled in the Peachcare plan and the amount may vary from $15 to $20.
Are newly born kids qualified to apply for the PeachCare policy?
Yes, the new born children are also eligible to apply for this policy as long as they are born or residing in the state of Georgia. Moreover, kids under the age of five have free healthcare.
What are the advantages of PeachCare over other private health insurance?
Overall coverage for any ailments, Affordable Premiums, Free health care for children under 5 years of age, Low cost health care, Regular health check-up for kids.
I am a state employee, can my child qualify for PeachCare?
Yes, as long as the income level meets the specified criteria, your kid is elegible for health benefits under the Peachcare program.