If your child is less than nineteen years of age, lives in Georgia and is currently uninsured, he/she automatically becomes eligible for Peachcare offered by the government. The PeachCare insurance program has mainly been put forward by the federal government for the Kids residing in Georgia who meet the following criteria,
- The person applying for this medical insurance should belong to a below nineteen years age group.
- Kids who are U.S citizens or belong to a family of qualified immigrants and settled in the state of Georgia are eligible for PeachCare.
- The family’s collective income should be in the low to medium scale level.
- The gross percentage of the family’s Annual income should be less than or equal to 247% of the federal level of poverty and this measure is subject to variation.
- The Annual income for a three member and four-member family should be less than or equal to $50,448 and $60,768 respectively.
- The state employees of Georgia, teachers, school personnel and board of regents employees who meet the laid down income criteria are also eligible for PeachCare.
The PeachCare encompasses of numerous benefits for children covered in the scheme at various levels like Preventative care, Primary health care, Dental care, Vision benefits, Emergency Room facilities, Specialist consultation, Mental health care, Prescription drugs etc.
The Care Management Organization (CMO) is directly in charge of the scheme and responsible for assisting the Georgia families and coordinate the plan with the Kids who are eligible for PeachCare. Currently there are four CMO entities who collectively manage the Peachcare and they are as follows, Amerigroup community care, Peach state health plan, Wellcare and Caresource.
The PeachCare insurance scheme started in the year 1997 and included all the uninsured children under their policy. The main motto of PeachCare scheme is to give affordable health care facilities for the families who cannot afford their children’s treatment expenses without having an insurance.
For any child falling under the below eighteen years age category, the family has to pay a specified monthly premium amount thereby making the child eligible for PeachCare.
Find Out the Advantages of PeachCare
A medical insurance is a necessity in our country and any person who stays out of this protective cover succumbs to heavy medical bills when they encounter any unexpected medical emergencies.
Some of the most important advantages of this program are:
- Children under the age of 5 get free health care
- Kids between ages 5 and 19 get health care at a lower cost
- Inexpensive Premiums
- Great coverage for all ailments
Why PeachCare?
Of all the medical insurance schemes, PeachCare is comparatively the best choice to give complete protection to the children in an event of emergency. It covers all health-related problems.
The federal government has specially laid out this scheme to relax the burden of bearing the cost of doctor visits during sickness and emergencies, medicine procurement, overall health check-up and more.
Kids under the scheme receive great benefits and as of now 1.4 million children are entitled to free medical benefits. The children residing in Georgia can enrol to this child medical insurance scheme by visiting the nearest medical centre or by downloading the application online.