It’s time to get educated… but where do I start? Parents often come to a crossroad because they don’t know what decision to make or what side to take. Although there’s no one right answer for everybody, here you’ll find the advantages and disadvantages of both sides to find the best option for you. Public school or private school, that’s the question.
Some public schools have really great facilities while other ones are below average. Same can be said of private schools. Nonetheless, these tend to provide better facilities than public schools. Even some K-12 private schools have facilities that measure up to those found in colleges and universities.
Public schools generally reflect the financial situation of where they are located. However, privately owned schools reflect the development team’s ability to raise funds from parents and from the alumni.
Number of students in a class
In private schools, there are fewer students per class, thus, the teachers can dedicate more attention to every student’s needs. Also, this fosters one-on-one interaction between the teacher and students. Most privately owned schools boast of an average student/teacher ratio of 10:1. However, in public schools, a student/teacher ratio of 40:1 is pretty common. It’s no surprise that, in this case, students don’t get to participate or voice their doubts.
Certain factors, like the amount of salary paid, are capable of affecting the quality of the teachers of the education center. Public-sector teachers are often well-paid and have good pension plans. However, what they are paid is dependent on the local economy of where the school is situated.
Most public schools have low starting income, therefore, teacher retention is quite low. In contrast, privately owned schools are dependent on the strength and tact of the development team, therefore, they pay their teachers accordingly. In some private schools provisions are made for the teacher’s feeding and accommodation. Obviously a plus.
Decision-making is really slow in public schools simply because paperwork is high; a number of authorities have to give their permission before anything can be changed. These delays are detrimental to the growth of the public schools.
One factor of common administrative delays are the teachers’ unions that have to conclude and agree on a particular matter before any change can be made. In privately owned schools, the management structure isn’t as large, so changes are made quickly and promptly.
The cost of education doesn’t involve only the tuition fee but it also involves the cost of transportation, time, materials and commitment. If the school is going to make the family spend to the point of straining the family’s finances, it’s advisable to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth.
Before making any rash decisions, think it through. Are you able to afford it? Is it necessary to do so? What’s the quality of the public school in your area? Do you know the teachers’ backgrounds? After getting your answers and visiting the center, choosing will be a piece of cake.